Wednesday 26 March 2014


The weather here has turned in the past three to four days with the temperatures dropping to single figures as a low and bearly getting over 13-14 C degrees during the middle of the day.  Intimitant rain throughout and it really seems like Wellington here in beautiful Split!
I was hoping to get the wax onto the Hull today but rain has put paid to that idea. Work on the boat has been slow due to the weather and Vicko and his crew have now gone up to Umag to commission 4 boats up there and won't be back till Monday.
The weathers on the improve next week and we hope to get the Boat in the water on Monday and do the obligatory breaking of the Champers over the Bow ceremony!
Hopefully then we can press on and get the Mast stepped and rigged up and start on the work we need doing- water maker installed, Solar panel support, Bimini etc whilst the rest of the Commissioning is going on.
Been composing a shopping list of things for the boat which has not been for the week hearted, but has to be done so will get that order off shortly.
Spent a bit of time trying to weigh up the best Internet provision options for the boat once we are underway and realised how much we have relied on our daughters lately for our technology decisions!!
The box, mmm, yep still working on that one :)

Below is Postman Pats delivery truck (Split Version)  - Pat stands on the front and drives it with Levers pulling up to the shop he is delivering to, complete with a sideways slide in the rain! -Impressive

1 comment:

  1. Hope they find your box soon grrrr! Postman cart is sooo cool imagine that driving through south Auckland! Don't forget lots of photos of boat in the water :) Your doing great with technology xxx
